INIA » Secure File Sharing for Business

Secure File Sharing for Business

Teams are more likely than ever to collaborate across time zones and distances due to the rise of flexible working methods. This requires the transfer of large files between colleagues working remotely. The traditional methods of file sharing are not the safest. It’s quite easy for employees to transfer sensitive files with intellectual property or regulated data, either accidentally or intentionally to the wrong person.

Uncontrolled data transfers could expose your business to the risk of costly fines and damage to its reputation if you fail to take the right security measures. It’s crucial to establish a system that allows to control the way files are shared with partners and clients and also within your own company.

To minimize the risks associated with file sharing that is not controlled, your organization should select a platform with an extensive security monitoring system and granular access control. This allows you to ensure that only authorized individuals have access to certain folders or files and that any modifications to the contents of a file are documented. A platform that provides enterprise content services can also provide a centralized audit log which makes it easy to keep track of user history and identify issues like privacy violations or non-compliance.

Choose a program that is simple to use and is compatible with your workflow. Be sure not to pay for features you don’t require. If you’re thinking of using an online client file portal make sure the software includes options for custom branding and easy installation for your clients.