INIA » 20 Easy and Free Argumentative Essay Examples for Students

20 Easy and Free Argumentative Essay Examples for Students

The ending of the essay reveals that Stephen’s life has been one long preparation for the future. He has emerged from chaos and his dad’s approach to parenting as a person who can thrive in a world that he can’t control. It’s the details that really make this small experience come alive. Notice how whenever he can, Stephen uses a more specific, descriptive word in place of a more generic one. The volunteers aren’t going to get food or dinner; they’re going for «Texas BBQ.» The coat hanger comes from «a dumpster.» Stephen doesn’t just move the coat hanger-he «jiggles» it. We were in Laredo, having just finished our first day at a Habitat for Humanity work site.

So, by changing the sentence structure, Bridget is emphasizing her feelings and drawing attention to her personality and emotional drive. This endows the admission essay with a fantastic and unique voice. Colleges regularly publish accepted essays as an example and guideline for students to use when they are formulating their own college applications.

Luckily, my family managed to drive me several hours away to an urban hospital, where I was treated. Yellow fever shouldn’t be fatal, but in Africa it often is. I couldn’t believe that such a solvable issue could be so severe at the time-so I began to explore. This is a college essay that worked for University of Pennsylvania . This is a college essay that worked for Duke University.

We’ll learn your background and interests, brainstorm essay topics, and walk you through the essay drafting process, step-by-step. At the end, you’ll have a unique essay that you’ll proudly submit to your top choice colleges. Finally, I am a strong proponent of hands-on experience for learning what good food looks and tastes like, so cooking is one of my favorite ways to teach the benefits of a plant-based lifestyle. Our society has taught us that delicious food has to make us feel guilty, when that is simply not the case.

I finally found out how originality was prominent in Chicago. I found out that the original people were influential. Being unique will help you in creating your ways and invent a new world. It may be an overreaction, but I cannot come to terms with the award.

Just like with any story or news article, you want to start your essays with a good hook. Many essay prompts will ask you to write about extracurricular experiences in your life or to list interests such as your favorite movies or music. Be sure to include the answer to any questions and don’t get distracted while providing context or other extra information. As this Dartmouth essay shows, the best college essays illustrate a track record of involvement to support the applicant’s proposed path forward.

«Don’t bury the lede!» The first few sentences must capture the reader’s attention, provide a gist of the story, and give a sense of where the essay is heading. Think about any article you’ve read-how do you decide to read it? A strong lede (journalist parlance for «lead») will place your reader in the «accept» mindset from the beginning of the essay.

In the improved version, the student keeps the focus on himself, not his pet. He chooses the most relevant stories to demonstrate specific qualities, and the structure more clearly builds up to an insightful conclusion. This essay uses a narrative structure to show how a pet positively influenced the student’s values and character.

The best feeling in the world is falling in love with a dish and then learning all the health benefits that it provides the body. Being vulnerable in writing is a great way to help a reader feel closer to you. And it’s useful to keep in mind that there’s actually a pretty great variety of ways to be vulnerable. One nice moment of vulnerability in this essay comes with …in we’re each other’s best friends.

Meanwhile the non-Asians are surprised that I’m also part Welsh. I feel comfortable being unique or thinking differently. As a Student Ambassador this enables me to help freshmen and others who are new to our school feel welcome and accepted. I help the new students know that it’s okay to be themselves.

Use interesting descriptions, stay away from clichés, include your own offbeat observations-anything that makes this essay sounds like you and not like anyone else. Leaving home in the beginning of my adolescence, I was sent out on a path of my own. While for some, high school is the best time of their lives, for me, high school has represented some of the best and, hopefully, worst times. Even with the struggles I’ve faced with my family, I am grateful for this path. It has brought me to a place that I only thought was fictional.

Your college application essay is like a worm that you are using to catch the admission committee. All the college essays are supposed to connect to the reader through a heartfelt and highly descriptive scene from the writer’s life. It can anything such as dramatic experience or mundane. However, do not forget it must be a personal experience and reviling about you and how you re now since you are entering the adult life.