INIA » The Best Free VPN Providers

The Best Free VPN Providers

Free things usually have a catch. This is especially the case with VPNs that restrict the use of data and speeds in order to encourage customers to upgrade to paid plans. Some VPNs have been reported to collect bandwidth from their customers, essentially selling it mercenary style to anyone who wants it.

A good VPN will provide secure encryption, speedy performance and plenty of advanced features that aren’t included in the free tier. It should be simple to use, and without any restrictions that could interfere with your internet-related activities, such as streaming, downloading, and videoconferencing.

The best free vpn providers will have a proven track record with flawless privacy practices and be based outside of the Fourteen Eyes Alliance. In the ideal scenario, they’ll be backed by a generous money-back warranty, too.

Proton VPN is one of the what is the best antivirus for windows most well-respected and well-loved free VPN services. Proton VPN offers a free plan with no restrictions or limitations. It has decent speeds, access to three different locations, and offers strong malware and ad blocking, as well as streaming and P2P support.

Windscribe is a free VPN that provides 10GB of data per month, excellent performance, and many advanced options. The apps are well-designed and packed with useful tools, tweaks and techniques and has was previously the top performer in my free VPN speed tests, beating out a number of completely fee-based competitors.