INIA » Automating Automation for Dealmakers

Automating Automation for Dealmakers

Dealmaking is time-consuming and complicated, especially when relationships with buyers pass through different stages. It doesn’t have to be slow and manual Wrk’s unique system for automation lets your team use automations to make it easier to keep relationships alive, while also preserving the efficiency you’ve established.

For instance, you could, have an automation trigger when a deal changes from Lead to Open Deal status in your pipeline. This will create a new task with the following information title: Title Enter a customized task title. Write a brief description of the task to be carried out. Assignee: Choose the person to whom you want to assign this task. Due date: Select the date and time to determine the date by which this task must be completed by. The message to send: Add an email address, or create a text area to compose the message that will be sent to the task’s user. Add a Deal token to the message, so that it can include information in the email based on the specific property of the deal.

Delivering presentations is a common usage of automation. Dealmakers spend a lot of time creating and delivering these and can be a bit difficult and tedious. Automation can speed up the process by letting computers to automatically pull data from various public sources to present a more personalized and personalised overview of the business to every potential buyer. This can save time, improve efficiency and yield better results.