INIA » How a Virtual Data Room Works

How a Virtual Data Room Works

If you’re preparing for an IPO or considering an M&A or looking to sell it is important to know how a virtual data room works. VDRs play an essential role in deal-making processes and offer security accessibility, usability, and security that traditional collaboration tools are unable to compete with.

The VDR lets companies securely share large amounts of documents in a safe environment with potential buyers, investors and partners. Administrators can control access and capabilities for each user using specific permissions. You can restrict access to download, print and change the name of documents. You can also track user activity to the page level and keep an audit trail.

You can upload existing documents into the VDR from storage platforms such as Google Drive, One drive and Dropbox. This can save you time and ensures all your relevant information is readily available for the due diligence process. This can help you avoid redundancies or omissions throughout the process. Digify’s VDR provides a safe easy method to hold Q&A sessions throughout the due diligence. This will ensure that any questions are addressed quickly and efficiently, which speeds up the process of closing.

It is important to take into account the requirements of outside users and how they wish to interact with the documentation when inviting them to visit the VDR. Some users will require full access to documents, while others may require only limited access. For instance, a lawyer may require access to the corporate records of the company, while investors may only need to look over financial statements, business plans and other documents relating to the investment.