INIA » How to Choose the Best Business Antivirus

How to Choose the Best Business Antivirus

In this day and age businesses are always at risk from cyber-attacks designed to steal confidential information or cause the business to fail. A dedicated business antivirus program is vital to mitigate the dangers and keep your business safe. These programs are more than personal antivirus programs in that they safeguard multiple devices and endpoints in a network instead of only one device. They also offer additional tools and features that standard antivirus programs do not. They can include strong ransomware prevention cloud-based management, as well as endpoint security.

When looking for the best antivirus for your business, opt for a solution that offers an advanced admin interface. This lets you manage all your devices that are protected from one location. You won’t be relying on employees to update their device’s settings, particularly if they are working remotely and using insecure Wi-Fi networks or networks that aren’t under your control. Also, a good security program for businesses should include VPNs that allow employees safely connect to your company’s network even when working offsite.

Bitdefender is an antivirus designed for businesses that has been highly rated. It has standalone plans as well as packages for companies of all sizes. It’s a well-established brand with top results in independent tests. It boasts an impressive range of features, including a sophisticated ransomware-protection tool that is able to identify new strains of malware trying to decrypt files. McAfee Small Business Security is another option that incorporates firewall protection and antivirus into one package. It’s easy to install and use. However some users have reported that the software can slow down their systems.