INIA » Tips for Board Meeting Preparation

Tips for Board Meeting Preparation

Board meetings are crucial for making strategic decisions, setting company policies, and more. However, these meetings are often dull and full of routine things that are time-consuming to prepare for. While it may appear that getting ready for a meeting of the board is merely another task board members who are prepared can leave a lasting impression on their fellow board members.

Start planning meetings for the board by drafting an agenda that includes time for each item to be discussed. It is a good idea to draft an agenda with a certain time frame so that you have enough time to thoroughly discuss each subject and allow for questions.

After the agenda has been prepared and distributed to board members to allow them to begin preparing. This should be done at minimum one or two days prior to the meeting. Boards that utilize portals are able to collect and transmit all the documents required for a meeting just clicking a button.

You should decide the formality or casualness your board would like its meetings to be. This will impact the meeting structure and the manner in which you address other members. Certain boards, for instance employ Robert’s Rules of Order which is an official system that requires addressing other board members as «Mr.» and «Madam». It is essential to get familiar with the rules, regardless of the format you decide to use. This will help you not be awed when you first meet.