INIA » Data Room For Startups – Speed Up the Due Diligence Process

Data Room For Startups – Speed Up the Due Diligence Process

If you’re a new company seeking capital and need to raise capital, a data room is an important instrument to accelerate the due diligence process. It allows buyers or investors to examine the company’s documents and information in an organised way and increase the perceived value of your business and decreasing the amount of time it takes to conclude an agreement.

No matter if you are at the stage 1 or 2 your investors will need access to a variety of documents. It is essential to select the most relevant documents and then organize, gather, and label them correctly. No investor or authorised party would like to sort through piles of files that will only take up their time.

A business plan, financial report, intellectual property information, incorporation and ownership details and pitch decks are some of the most important documents. You may also wish to include old investor updates, as these demonstrate that you are an honest and transparent company.

In addition to your data rooms, it is important to be cautious about who you grant access to. Using a virtual data room (VDR) with activity reports will ensure that you only provide access to people who need it and track how long they spend on each document.

Startups often forget that their intellectual property is valuable and ought to be included in the virtual data room. This could include patent filings, trademarks and even internal memos. The inclusion of this information shows that you care about your IP and can to strengthen your startup’s position during negotiations.