INIA » Personal » Felix Sebastian Meier Romero


Felix Sebastian Meier Romero

Cargo Investigador(a) – Carillanca
Título(s) Ingeniero Agrónomo
Teléfono (45) 2 297100
Email @


  1. Meier, S., Moore, F., Morales, A., Jobet, C., López-Olivari, R., Aponte H., Cartes, P., Campos, P., Khan, Naser. 2021. Interactive role between phosphorus utilization efficiency and water use efficiency. A tool to categorize wheats co-adapted to water and phosphorus limiting conditions. Agricultural water management. 248.
  2. Meier, S., Moore, F., Morales., A., Ortega, F. Rol interactivo entre la eficiencia de uso del agua y el fósforo en genotipos de bromo. Plataforma Ergomix Ganadería
  3. Meier, S., Jobet, C. 2021. Dósis de Nitrógeno en variedades de trigo de alto rendimiento del INIA. Revista GTT. Páginas 41-43.
  4. Charla Magistral en Octavo congreso de Ciencia y Tecnología Agropecuaria. Mexico. Evaluación y selección de Genotipos de cultivos potencialmente adaptados al estrés hídrico y nutricional, hacia un cambio de paradigma en la producción mundial de alimentos
  5. Aponte, H., Mondaca, P., Santander, C., Meier, S., Paolini, J., Butler, B., Rojas, C., Diez, C., Cornejo. 2021. Enzyme activities and microbial functional diversity in metal(loid) contaminated soils near to a copper smelter. Science of the total environment 779: 146423
  6. Medina, J., Calabi, M., Aponte, H., Santander, C., Paneque, M., Meier, S., Panettieri, M., Cornejo, P. 2021. Utilization of Inorganic Nanoparticles and Biochar as Additives of Agricultural Waste Composting: Effects of End-Products on Plant Growth, C and Nutrient Stock in Soils from a Mediterranean Region. Agronomy 11, 767. https://
  7. Meier, S., Méndez, P., López-Olivari. 2021. Manejo de la fertilización fosfatada y el riego en el cultivo de papa. Revista papa. Asociación chilena de la papa (ACHIPA).
  8. Vega, I., Pontigo, S., Nunes-Nesi, A., Mora, M., Meier, S., Cartes, P. Interaction Between Silicon and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Symbiosis: an Ecologically Sustainable Tool to Improve Crop Fitness Under a Drought Scenario?. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition
  9. Meier R., Sebastián, Morales M., Arturo y López-Olivari, Rafael (2021-12) ¿Cómo afecta el déficit de fósforo y la sequía el desarrollo fenológico de trigos invernales? [en línea]. Temuco, Chile: Informativo INIA Carillanca N° 144. Disponible en:
  10. Meier, S., Mendez, P., Becerra, C., Pinilla, H.2021.Importancia del Calcio para la producción de papa en el sur de Chile- Revista papa, Asociación Chilena de la papa.
  11. Meier, S., Moore, F., Khan, N., González, M., Durán, P., Seguel, A., Aponte, H. 2021. Effect of Poultry Manure Compost and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on Cu Immobilization and Soil Microbial Communities in a Cu-Contaminated Soil Using the Metallophyte Oenothera Picensis. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. In press DOI: 10.1007/s42729-021-00493-
  12. Aponte, H., Herrera, W., Clare, C., Helaina, B., Meier, S., Paolini, J., Tapia, Y., Cornejo, P. 2020. Alteration of enzyme activities and functional diversity of a soil contaminated with copper and arsenic. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 192:110264
  13. Meier, S., Moore, F., Morales, A., González, M.E., Seguel, A., Meriño, C., Rubilar, O., Cumming, J., Aponte, H., Alarcón, H., Mejías, J. 2020. Synthesis of calcium borate nanoparticles and its use as a potential foliar fertilizer in lettuce (Lactuca sativa) and zucchini (Cucurbita pepo). Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 151:673-680
  14. Aponte, H., Jorge Medina, J., Butler, B., Meier, S., Cornejo, P., Kuzyakov, Y. 2020. Soil quality indices for metal(loid) contamination: an enzymatic perspective. Land Degradation and development.
  15. De Souza Campos, P., Borie, F., Cornejo, P., Meier, S., López-Ráez, López-Garcia., Seguel, A. 2020. Wheat root trait plasticity, nutrient acquisition and growth responses are dependent on specific arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus and plant genotype interactions. Journal of Plant Physiology. In Press.
  16. Meier, S., Moore, F., Morales, A., Melo, M., López-Olivari, R., Ortega, F. 2020. Rol interactivo entre la eficiencia de uso del agua y el fósforo en genotipos de bromo. XLV Congreso Anual de SOCHIPA. Sustentabilidad de la Producción. 11-13 de Noviembre, version Online.
  17. Medina, J., Monreal., Orellana, L., Calbi-Floody, M., González, M.E., Meier, S., Borie, F., Cornejo, P. 2020. Influence of saprophytic fungi and inorganic additives on enzyme activities and chemical properties of the biodegradation process of wheat straw for the production of organo-mineral amendments. Journal of Environmental Management. 255.
  18. Medina, J., Monreal, C., Antilén, M., Calabi, F., Velasco, M., Meier, S., Borie, F., Cornejo P., Knicker, H. 2020. Influence of inorganic additives on wheat straw composting: Characterization and structural composition of organic matter derived from the process. Journal of Environmental Management. In press
  19. Meier, S., Moore, F., Meriño, C., Seguel, A., Medina, J Morales, A., Hirzel, J., Mejías, J. Synthesis of Borate Nanoparticles and its application as a potential foliar boron fertilizer in lettuce (Lactuca sativa). ISMOM 2019. Sevilla 23-28 Junio
  20. Medina, J., Knicker, H., Pradel, F., Calabi-Floody, M., Meier, S., Paneque, M., Cornejo, P., Borie, F. Addition of nanoparticles and biochar to agricultural waste composting: effects on composting process and CO2-CH4 emissions. ISMOM 2019. Sevilla 23-28 Junio 2019
  21. Campos, P., Aguilera, N., López-Ráez, J.A., Borie, F., Meier, S, Seguel A. 2019. How internal strigolactones levels affects phosphorus acquisition efficiency in wheat. ISMOM 2019. Sevilla 23-28 Junio.
  22. 1. Seguel, A., Zacón, R., Vakentine, A., Meriñi-gergichevich, C., Cornejo, P., Aguilera, P., Borie, F., Meier, S. 2019. Showing their mettle: Extraradical mycelia of arbuscular mycorrhizae form a metal filter to improve host Al tolerance and P nutrition. Science of Food and Agriculture (accepted)
  23. Meier, S., Moore, F., González, M.E., Campos, P., Khan, N., Cumming, J., Sanhueza, M., Mejías, J., Morales, A., Hirzel, J., Seguel, A. 2019. Effects of three biochars on copper immobilization and soil microbial communities in a metal-contaminated soil using a metallophyte and two agricultural plants. Environmental Geochemistry and Health (accepted).
  24. Meier, S., López, R., Méndez, P. 2019. Cultivo papa Consumo, Interacción Agua Nutriente. Revista ACHIPA, Diciembre, paginas 22-24.
  25. Medina, J., Monreal., Orellana, L., Calbi-Floody, M., González, M.E., Meier, S., Borie, F., Cornejo, P. 2020. Influence of saprophytic fungi and inorganic additives on enzyme activities and chemical properties of the biodegradation process of wheat straw for the production of organo-mineral amendments. Journal of Environmental Management. 255.
  26. Aponte, H., Herrera, W., Cameron, C., Black, H., Meier, S., Paolini, J., Tapia, Y., Cornejo, P. 2019. Alteration of enzymes activities and functional diversity in a soil contaminated with Cu and As. 7th International Workshop in Advances in Science and Technology of Bioresources. Pucon, Chile
  27. Meier, S., López-Olivari, R, Morales, A., Coliñir, V., Jobet, C., Mejías, J., Palma,P. 2020. VARIACIÓN FENOLÓGICA , EN GENOTIPOS DE TRIGOS INVERNALES BAJO ESTRÉS COMBINADO AGUA-FÓSFORO. 70 congreso Agronomico de Chile, Santiago 7-9 enero 2020.
  28. Effects of Biochar on Copper Bioavaitabitity and Soil Microbial Communities in a Metal-Contaminated Soil using Metattophytes.
  29. Fernández, Natalia V., Fontenla, Sonia B., Moguilevsky, Denise, Meier, Sebastian, Rilling, Joaquín, & Cornejo, Pablo. (2018). Nothofagus pumilio forest affected by recent tephra deposition in northern Patagonia. II- Shifts in diversity and structure of rhizosphere fungal communities. Journal of soil science and plant nutrition, 18(2), 499-511.
  30. Sebastian Meier, Francisca Moore, María Eugenia González, Alex Seguel, Jaime Mejias, Jorge Medina, Juan Hirzel. Effects of biochar on copper bioavailability and soil microbial communities in a metal-contaminated soils using metallophytes. International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment 2018
  31. Efecto de un nanoformulado con Calcio y Boro para su uso como fertilizante foliar en especies hortícolas
  32. Aguilera, N., Campos, P., Moore, F, Meier, S, Seguel, A. 2018. Comunidades de hongos micorrícicos arbusculares en variedades de trigo, con contrastantes eficiencias de captación de P, cultivados en Andisoles del sur de Chile. LXIX CONGRESO AGRONÓMICO DE CHILE Y XVI CONGRESO DE LA SOCIEDAD CHILENA DE FRUTICULTURA. Punta Arenas 14-16 Noviembre 2018
  34. Moore, F., Mejías, J., Hirzel, J., Meier, S. 2018. Efectos del biocarbón sobre la biodisponibilidad de cobre en un suelo contaminado usando especies de uso agrícola. 59 Congreso Agronómico de Chile, 14-16 Noviembre, Punta Arenas?
  35. Beltrán, A., Campos, P., Panichini, M., Meier, S., Pérez, A., Curaqueo, G. 2017. Efecto del Uso de Co-compostaje en el Desarrollo, Arquitectura Radical y Nutricien de Tritricum aestivum. XIII Congreso Nacional de la Ciencia del Suelo. Santiago, Chile, 20-23 de Noviembre de 2017.
  36. Medina, J., Pradel, Felipe., Calabi-Floody, M., Meier, S.., Aponte, H., Cornejo, P., Borie, F. 2017. Actividad Biológica en el Compostaje de Materiales Lignocelulósicos Co-Compostados con Óxidos de Hierro y Halloysita. XIII Congreso Nacional de la Ciencia del Suelo. Santiago, Chile, 20-23 de Noviembre de 2017.
  37. Meier, Sebastián; Curaqueo, Gustavo; Khan, Naser; Bolan, Nanthi; Cea, Mara; González, María-Eugenia; Cornejo, Pablo; Ok, Yong Sik; Borie, Fernando. 2017. Chicken-manure-derived biochar reduced bioavailability of copper in a contaminated soil. Journal of Soils and Sediments 17:741-750
  38. Cornejo, Pablo; Meier, Sebastián; García, Susana; Ferrol, Nuria; Durán, Paola; Borie, Fernando; Seguel, Alex.2017. Contribution of inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to the bioremediation of a copper polluted soil using Oenothera picensis. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 17 (1):14:21
  39. Moore, F., González, M.E., Khan, N., Curaqueo, G., Sánchez-Monedero, M., Rilling, J., Morales, E., Panichini, M., Mutis, A., Jorquera, M., Mejias, J., Hirzel, J., Meier, S. 2017. Copper immobilization by biochar and microbial community abundance in metal-contaminated soils. Science of The Total Environment. In press
  40. Moore, F., Morales, A., González, M.E., Curaqueo, G., Seguel, A., Medina, J., Mejias, J., Hirzel, J., Meier, S. 2017. Efecto del Biocarbón sobre la Biodisponibilidad de Cobre usando Metalófitas y Especies de Uso agrícola. XIII Congreso Nacional de la Ciencia del Suelo. Santiago, Chile, 20-23 de Noviembre de 2017.
  41. Pradel, F., Medina, J., Calabi-Floody, M., Meier, S., Cornejo, P., Borie, F. 2017. Influence of the initial C/N ratio in the short-term composting of lignocellulosic mixtures. 6th International Workshop Advances in Science and Technology of Bioresources. Pucón, Chile, 29-30 Noviembre
  42. Khan, Naser; Clarck, Ian; Bolan, Nanthi; Meier, Sebastián; Saint, Christopher; Sánchez-Monedero, Miguel; Shea, Syd; Lehmann, Johannes; Qiu, Ronglian. 2017. Development of a buried bag technique to study biochars incorporated in a compost or composting medium. Journal of Soils and Sediments 17:656-664
  43. Meier, Sebastián; Curaqueo, Gustavo; Bolan, Nanthi; Rilling, Joaquín; Vidal, Catalina; Fernández, Natalia; Acuña, Jacqueline; González, María-Eugenia; Cornejo, Pablo; Borie, Fernando. Journal of Soils and Sediments 17:1237-1250
  44. González, María-Eugenia; Romero-Hermoso, Luis; González, Aixa; Hidalgo, Pamela; Meier, Sebastián; Navia, Rodrigo; Cea, Mara. 2017.Effectsof Pyrolysis Conditions on Physicochemical Properties of Oat Hull Derived Biochar. BioResources 12:2040-2057
  45. Meier, Sebastian; Moore Francisca; Khan, Naser; González, María-Eugenia; Curaqueo, Gustavo, Mejias, J; Hirzel, J; Rilling, Joaquín; Sanhueza, Mario; Panichini, Marcelo; and Fernando Borie. 2017. Effects of biochar on copper immobilization and soil microbial communities in a metal contaminated soil in a two-year trial. 1st World Conference Consowa on Soil and Water Conservation Under Global Change CONSOWA. 2017. Lloyd, España 12-16 Junio 2017
  46. CURAQUEO, Gustavo; SÁNCHEZ-MONEDERO, Miguel Ángel; BUSTAMANTE, María de Los Ángeles; MEIER, Sebastián; PANICHINI, Marcelo; NAVIA, Rodrigo. 2017. Use Of Amendment Derived From Co-Composting Of Agricultural Wastes And Biochar On Wheat Crop In A Volcanic Soil Of Southern Chile. 1st World Conference Consowa on Soil and Water Conservation Under Global Change CONSOWA. LLeyda, España 12-16 Junio de 2017.
  47. Meier, Sebastian; Moore Francisca; Khan, Naser; González, María-Eugenia; Curaqueo, Gustavo, Mejias, J; Hirzel, J; Rilling, Joaquín; Sanhueza, Mario; Panichini, Marcelo; and Fernando Borie. 2017. Effects of biochar on copper immobilization and soil microbial communities in a metal contaminated soil in a two-year trial. 1st World Conference Consowa on Soil and Water Conservation Under Global Change. LLEYDA, ESPAÑA
  48. González, María-Eugenia; Cea, Mara; Reyes, D; Romero-Hermoso, Luis; Hidalgo, Pamela; Meier, Sebastián; Benito, N; Navia, Rodrigo. 2017. Functionalization of biochar derived from lignocellulosic biomass using microwave technology for catalytic application in biodiesel production. 137:165-173
  49. González, María-Eugenia; Cea, Mara; Reyes, D; Romero-Hermoso, Luis; Hidalgo, Pamela; Meier, Sebastián; Benito, N; Navia, Rodrigo. 2017.Functionalization of biochar derived from lignocellulosic biomass using microwave technology for catalytic application in biodiesel production. Energy Conversion and Management 137:165-137
  50. Cornejo, P., Seguel, A., Aguilera, P., Meier, S., Larsen, J., Borie, F. 2017. Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Improve the Tolerance of Agricultural Plants to Cope Abiotic Stress Conditions. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.
  51. 1. Medina, J., Pradel, Felipe., Calabi-Floody, M., Meier, S.., Aponte, H., Cornejo, P., Borie, F. 2017. Biological activity during co-composting of lignocellulosic mixtures with inorganic bulking agents and biochar. 6th International Workshop Advances in Science and Technology of Bioresources. Pucón, Chile, 29-30 Noviembre