INIA » Proyecto » Study of the key factors inluencing nitrogen losses by ammonia volatization and its mitigation measures in grassland soils of Southern Chile


Study of the key factors inluencing nitrogen losses by ammonia volatization and its mitigation measures in grassland soils of Southern Chile

Rubro Varios Ganadería
Dependencia Remehue - Osorno
Duración Desde 01-05-2015 Hasta 16-03-2018
Encargado (a) Francisco Javie Salazar Sperberg

Equipo de Trabajo

Objetivo General

To study the main soil, climatic and management factors that affect N losses due to NH3 volatilization in volcanic ash soils of southern Chile.

Objetivos Específicos

  • To evaluate soil, climatic and management factors that affect NH3 emissions following the application of mineral and organic fertilizer.
  • To evaluate the implementation of best mitigation practices to reduce NH3 volatilization and the efficiency of N use in grassland soils.
  • To validate a simple process-based model for estimating NH3 emissions from grasslands soils following N applications.


  1. Salazar, F., Alfaro, M., Nicul, J., Hube, S., and Ramírez, L. 2016. Volatilización de amoníaco por la aplicación de distintas dosis de urea y purín de lechería en una pradera permanente del sur de Chile. Proceeding del XLI Congreso Anual de la Sociedad de Producción Animal de Chile (SOCHIPA). pp.232-233 (2016)
  2. Salazar, F., Alfaro, M., Nicul, J., and Misselbrook, T. 2017. Effect of nitrogen rate and temperature on ammonia volatilization following the application of dairy slurry and urea to a grassland volcanic soil. Brazilian Society of Agricultural and Agroindustrial Waste Management. Proceeding of V International Symposium on Agricultural and Agroindustrial Waste Management (SIGERA). May, 09-11, Foz de Iguazú, Brasil. pp. 393-396 (2017)
  3. Salazar, F., Nicul, J., Alfaro, M., Misselbrook, T. 2017. Ammonia volatilisation from dairy slurry as affected by application rate and temperature on a volcanic soil. Proceeding of the 17th Workshop of the FAO European Cooperative Research Network on Recycling of Agricultural, Municipal and Industrial Residues in Agriculture (RAMIRAN). (2017)
  4. Evaluación de medidas de mitigación para reducir la volatilización de amoníaco por la aplicación de fertilizantes y purines de lechería en una pradera permanente. Salazar F., Weisser, L., Alfaro M., Nicul J., y Muñoz, C. 2017. En: Libro de Resúmenes del XLII reunión Anual de la Sociedad Chilena de producción Animal (SOCHIPA AG). Termas de catillo, 17-19 de octubre. pp: 141-142. ISSN:0718-3682. (2017)

Presentaciones en Congresos

  • Salazar, F., Nicul, J., Alfaro, M., Misselbrook, T. 2017. Ammonia volatilisation from dairy slurry as affected by application rate and temperature on a volcanic soil. Proceeding of the 17th Workshop of the FAO European Cooperative Research Network on Recycling of Agricultural, Municipal and Industrial Residues in Agriculture (RAMIRAN). (2017)

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