INIA » Proyecto » Producing advanced bio-based fertilizers from fisheries wastes - SEA2LAND


Producing advanced bio-based fertilizers from fisheries wastes - SEA2LAND

Dependencia Quilamapu - Chillán
Versiones Anteriores 01-01-2021 01-01-2021 01-02-2021
Duración Desde 01-02-2021 Hasta 31-12-2024
Encargado (a) Luis Ignacio Inostroza Fuentealba

Equipo de Trabajo

Objetivo General

The general objective of the SEA2LAND project is to provide solutions to help overcome future challenges related to food production, climate change and waste reuse. The SEA2LAND project aims to meet this challenge by improving and adapting technologies for nutrient recovery to produce bio-based fertilisers (BBFs) and Tailor Made fertilisers (TMFs) from fishery and aquaculture by-products generated in Europe. In the long term, this will encourage the production at large-scale of fertilisers in the EU from non-imported organic or secondary raw materials, on the side of the circular economy model, transforming by-products into nutrients for crops. Therefore, SEA2LAND will contribute to independence and security in the supply of nutrients to European agricultural systems, mitigating the existing nutrient imbalance in Europe.

Objetivos Específicos

  • Mapping fishery and aquaculture by-products and agricultural conditions (including climatic, geographical and edaphological). (WP2)
  • Evaluation of agronomic and environmental performance. (WP5)
  • Quality and safety assessment. (WP6)
  • Business model assessment (processes&products) and exploitation activities (WP8)
  • SEA2LAND Dissemination & Communication (WP9)


  1. Luis Inostroza, Marta Alfaro, Francisco Salazar, Catalina Vásquez, Sara Hube y Gerson Monzón. 2021. FORRAJERAS TEMPLADAS PERENNES: UNA ESTRATEGIA PARA ADAPTAR LA GANADERÍA DE AMBIENTES MEDITERRÁNEOS AL CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO. XLVI Congreso Anual Sociedad Chilena de Producción Animal SOCHIPA A.G. 10 al 12 de noviembre. virtual. p75-76. (2021)
  2. Luis Inostroza, Joel Ibañez, Pablo Undurraga, Fernando Ortega, Gerardo Tapia y Gerson Monzón. 2021. EFICIENCIA DEL NITRÓGENO EN GRAMÍNEAS TEMPLADAS ES MODULADA POR LA PRODUCCIÓN Y PARTICIÓN DE BIOMASA EN LAS RAÍCES. XLVI Congreso Anual Sociedad Chilena de Producción Animal SOCHIPA A.G. 10 al 12 de noviembre. p 89-90 (2021)

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