INIA » Market Validation Experiments

Market Validation Experiments

Market validation tests are the most effective method to test a product’s viability with potential customers. They can reduce the chance that a product isn’t profitable, increase investor trust in the product, as well as help teams allocate limited resources efficiently.

Focus groups and surveys are not the only method of market validation. Asking someone whether they would be interested in purchasing your product isn’t the same as purchasing the product. The results could be inaccurate.

Instead, many companies are fixated on running tests to see if their product has the potential to succeed. This can be an excellent approach, but it’s important to remember that there are more affordable and faster methods of testing an idea for a product.

Let’s say, for instance, that a SaaS firm is eager to determine which of two social media platforms available on a new market would generate the most leads. It decides to run an experiment based upon a few assumptions. It believes that platform A will perform far better than platform B, and sets out to test this theory.

This is an illustration of a typical validation experiment. There are a variety of other examples. You can use Google Trends and competitive analysis to find trends. You can also talk to competitors or use other methods of research. Once you have the data, it’s then time to analyze it. The results will be either persistent either in a way that is pivotal or perish to borrow a phrase from the lean startup method.