INIA » An Overview of Age Verification Measures in Online Casinos

An Overview of Age Verification Measures in Online Casinos

An Overview of Age Verification Measures in Online Casinos

Online casinos and businesses selling age-restricted products have an ethical and legal obligation to implement rigorous age verification checks on users who purchase these items, usually by reviewing identification documents such as passports or driver's licenses.

ID wallets provide users with a way to quickly onboard without slowing down onboarding processes and frustrating users, by giving them the power to selectively verify their age without sharing other personal identification data.


Age verification is an effective means of combatting underage gambling and complying with legal regulations, helping avoid expensive fines. Some European laws mandate websites verify the age of customers before offering certain products and services such as alcohol, gambling and betting, or banking services.

The best online age verification tools combine identity and age checks to verify players are over the legal age. They verify whether an ID document matches up with a selfie uploaded by the user and validate their date of birth; plus, they use live detection technology to make sure someone is present when looking into the camera.

Verifying identity through biometric authentication is a much more efficient and robust method than simply inspecting an ID document. This helps reduce fraud risks associated with impersonating individuals in order to gain access to their accounts – an increasingly prevalent problem within online gaming environments.

For further information on how age verification is effectively employed to enhance security and compliance in the online gaming sector, visit This resource highlights the steps and technologies that are pivotal in ensuring that online gaming is safe, secure, and accessible only to individuals who meet the legal age requirements.


Online casinos are heavily regulated by gambling regulators and must abide by stringent ID verification laws designed to safeguard children and underage gamblers, as well as safeguard users' privacy and security. As such, it's imperative for online casinos to use age verification software that is both fast and reliable.

Traditional companies require customers to enter their birth date to verify their age before being eligible to purchase age-restricted products and services, but this method can often prove ineffective and is far from foolproof.

The UK government recently issued a white paper calling on gaming industry operators Shufti Pro to enhance its age verification procedures to reduce underage gambling. They recommend employing live video identification processes that compare face recognition technology with official ID documents to provide more effective verification than using selfie comparison alone; as well as detect any fake IDs.


Businesses offering products or services restricted by age should adopt an efficient verification system in order to avoid deterring potential customers from visiting your website. It must be quick, user-friendly and not be detrimental in any way.

This can be accomplished using any number of approaches, from government ID verification and selfie checks, to database validation. By employing such solutions, online gambling sites and other regulated e-commerce businesses can quickly verify if a potential customer meets the legal age threshold by simply pressing one button.

Implementing age verification measures in the gaming sector is critical to protecting minors who could become addicted to gambling or betting. Furthermore, such solutions help e-commerce websites comply with local laws prohibiting sales of alcohol, tobacco and violent video games to minors. Furthermore, medical companies that offer telemedicine services must verify patients' ages in order to make sure they meet legal criteria before providing treatment services.


Age verification helps gambling platforms protect minors from underage gambling and ensure regulatory compliance, while keeping harmful content such as virtual treasures and loot boxes out of reach of minors. Verification may take many forms ranging from simple ID checks to more in-depth data comparisons.

Some European regulations establish minimum age requirements, necessitating websites to implement age verification systems on their websites. These verifications tend to be less intrusive than other forms of identity proof; for instance, French law mandates proof of age for alcohol purchases, online gambling/betting sites and certain banking services.

Traditional methods for verifying age involve comparing KYC information provided by users with identification documents, but this method can be defeated by fraudsters using various technologies to falsify facial features and other identifying characteristics, making detection challenging. Therefore, using liveness detection in combination with identity verification is vital.