INIA » Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Meetings

Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Meetings

There are a lot of benefits to online meetings, especially in our world that is increasingly virtual. These meetings save time for everyone involved. Instead of having to take their bags off and leave their workstations, go to the grocery store, print documents and connect to an audiovisual system, attendees can simply join the meeting from wherever they are at the moment. They also have the option to be muted during the meeting in case they need to take a break or check their email.

Meetings online are also more timely. It could be because participants don’t have to worry about getting to the bathroom or getting properly dressed before dialing in. It could how to work with the VDR be because they are able to choose from a wide range of locations that fit their requirements – their homes or cafes, or even the beach.

Furthermore, online meetings can save a company money. Hosting a meeting in person requires the company to cover the cost of a room and refreshments, which isn’t always the case when meetings are held online.

However, there are a few disadvantages of online meetings that should not be overlooked. It is difficult to keep the attention of attendees in a gathering if they cannot see each others’ faces. This can lead to people looking at their email or checking social media during the meeting, which is not ideal for a productive meeting. Meetings online do not allow the same level of communication, since people aren’t able to detect body language or nonverbal signals during meetings.