INIA » Personal » Carola Andrea Vera Palma


Carola Andrea Vera Palma

Cargo Investigador(a) – Quilamapu
Título(s) Ingeniero Agrónomo
Teléfono (42) 2 206800
Email @


  1. M. Castro, Madariaga, R., Ruiz, B., Vargas, M., Vera, C. and Moya-elizondo, E. 2020. Antagonistic activity of Chilean strains of Pseudomonas protegens against fungi causing crown and root rot of wheat (Triticum aestivum l.). Front. Plant sci. 11:951. Doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.00951
  2. Vera, C., Madariaga, R., Gerding, M., Ruiz, B. and Moya-Elizondo, E. 2019. Integration between Pseudomonas protegens strains and fluquinconazole for the control of take-all in wheat. Crop protection. 121: 163-172.