INIA » Proyecto » Identification of SNP-TYPE markers related to the table grape flavor subtraits sugar and organic acids content and berry texture, through QTL identification and functional mapping.


Identification of SNP-TYPE markers related to the table grape flavor subtraits sugar and organic acids content and berry texture, through QTL identification and functional mapping.

Rubro Vid de mesa
Dependencia La Platina - Santiago
Duración Desde 01-09-2012 Hasta 30-08-2015
Encargado (a) Patricio Hinrichsen Ramirez

Equipo de Trabajo

Objetivo General

Identify genes and markers related to flavor subtraits (including sugar and organic acids content,and berry texture), to be used as breeding selection tools.

Objetivos Específicos

  • Identify stable QTLs associated to the traits of interest by means of phenotypical evaluations repeated 2-3 years in the segregant population Ruby x Sultanina (n = 140+ individuals)
  • Develop transcriptomic analyses by massive RNA sequencing on siblings exhibiting opposite phenotypes for each trait of interest.
  • Identify the ?candidate genes? that show reasonable (maximal) changes in expression level comparing genotypes with opposite phenotypes, and evaluate their co-location with the identified QTLs.
  • Identify SNP-type markers in a sub-set of these ?candidate genes?, at the codogenic and non-codogenic regions, considering no more than two genes per trait.
  • Evaluate and validate the association between SNP polymorphisms and phenotype by studying a larger set of cultivars representing the genetic diversity of the species, in order to associate the expression level with the phenotype of interest.

Presentaciones en Congresos

  • Hinrichsen, P., Muñoz-Espinoza, C., Mamani, M., Di Genova, A. & Maass, A. 2015. Evidence of divergent selection among table grape and wine varieties deduced from differences in gene expression and structural variants in genes associated to organic acid metabolism. Plant Genome Evolution: A Current Opinion Conference. Amsterdam,The Netherlands. 6-8 septiembre, 2015. (2015)
  • Muñoz-Espinoza, C., Mamani, M., Di Genova, A., Maass, A. & Hinrichsen, P. 2015. Differences in gene expression and structural variants associated to acids metabolism could be evidence of divergent selection among table grape and wine varieties. In Vino Analytica Scientia Symposium. Cittadella del Vino, Mezzocorona, Trentino Alto Adige, Italia. 14-18 julio, 2015 (2015)
  • Construcción de un mapa genético altamente saturado e identificación de QTLs para el contenido de azúcar y acidez en uva de mesa. Mamani, M., Correa, J., Ravest, G., Oehninger, B. & Hinrichsen, P. XLVIII Reunión Anual de la Sociedad de Genética de Chile. 22 al 24 de Octubre de 2015. Valdivia (2015)
  • Mamani, M., M. García, J. Correa, D. Laborie, M. Pinto, M. González, B. Defilippi & P. Hinrichsen. Identification of quantitative trait loci (QTL) and genes related to sugar content and acidity in table grape berry. IX International Symposium on Grapevine Physiology and Biotechnology. La Serena, Chile. April 21-26, 2013. (2013)
  • Correa, J., M. Pinto, M. González-Agüero, B. Defilippi y P. Hinrichsen. Identificación de loci de caracteres cuantitativos (QTL) para firmeza de baya en una población segregantes de vid de mesa . XIV Reunion Latinoamericana de Viticultura y Enología. Tarija, Bolivia. Noviembre 20-22, 2013. (2013)

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